14 lessons from 14 years of freelancing
Here are fourteen hard fought freelance lessons I’ve learned as a full-time freelancer of fourteen years (and a freelance advocate of twelve years via the Freelance Jungle). I’m sharing them so the newbies don’t have to learn the hard way and the...
Podcast: The Valhalla Effect – asking for things you don’t want
This content is for Patreon Pinkies only. Make sure you join to enjoy the full benefit! https://patreon.com/freelancejungleTo view this content, you must be a member of Freelance Jungle's Patreon Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to...
Adding value in community settings
I often write tips in the Freelance Jungle on a Tuesday. This one is about adding value in a community setting. I’ve noticed a trend with people to treat community groups (online and off) as though they are customer service experience. This is not the case. It...
Thoughts on International Day of People with Disability
Originally written as a Facebook post on International Day of People with Disability, our founder Rebekah Lambert muses as a person with disabilities on what the day means for her. I have been asked (nudged?) by a couple of people today re: acknowledging...
Making a case for remote work with big business
We’re making a case for remote work and looking at what we need to do to preserve working from home in a post-COVID world. In part one, we issued the initial rally cry. In part two, we take a look at what it takes to advocate for the right to work from home. And...
How to advocate for working from home post COVID-19
People keep asking me how we will be able to keep working from home now vaccines are rolling out. Working from home has helped a lot of Australian workers. We’ve seen the productivity benefits talked about in the news. Years’ worth of guilt and concerns re: workplace...
Freelancing under COVID and what it taught me
Freelancing under COVID has been a weird mix of highs, lows and meh moments. All have been pretty extreme. Last year was the weirdest year yet for my freelancing career or running the Freelance Jungle. I journal everything. The funniest thing was I bought some mega...