There is a lot of change going on with social media at the moment. Not all of it great. Here are platform-specific, benchmarking, general review, and some hot sauce questions to help you transform your freelance social media into something very you.

Social media questions for Instagram:

  1. What do you want out of the Instagram experience?
  2. Review your posts. Are you happy with them? What would you change?
  3. Think about your last three interactions. What did they comprise?
  4. Did those interactions add value to your business and/or creativity?
  5. Who are in your FAVOURITES, and do they add value to your business day-to-day?
  6. Who are you showing love to in your FOLLOWING section today – and will that bring in leads?
  7. What popular trends can you EXPLORE and exploit right now?
  8. Have you checked what’s trending on that hashtag you’re about to add to your post?
  9. Are you creating community by using the #FreelanceJungle hashtag so I can share your content to Stories? Are you reciprocating?
  10. Are your BIO and your links are still current?
  11. Are the last three posts you made focussed on clients ready to buy Now, Soon, and Later? Why not?
  12. After someone has enjoyed your content on Instagram, where do you encourage them to go next?
  13. Is that next step easy to take and obvious?
  14. Have you watched Rah’s presentation on Instagram yet?

Social media questions for X/Twitter: 

  1. What does Twitter do for your business?
  2. Are the people you’d like to talk to still on Twitter?
  3. Any particular topics you want to discuss on Twitter in the coming week and month?
  4. If you’ve left, did you tidy your exit or run out screaming?
  5. Where should your Twitter audience follow you? Is it in your bio and pinned post?

Social media questions for Facebook:

  1. Are your BIO and ABOUT are up to date?
  2. If you’ve stopped using your page, have you explained why?
  3. Do you proactively promote your newsletter via a pinned post, bio, and link?
  4. Review the GROUPs you are in. Which irrelevant or abandoned groups do you need to ditch to help the algorithm understand what you care about?
  5. Repeat the process for Facebook Pages. Do your page likes and follows reflect your identity as a business owner, freelancer, and creative?
  6. Who is on snooze or silent? Is it time to ditch them?
  7. What blog content can you use as short tips as status updates?
  8. If you’re lurking in GROUPS instead of interacting, how is that promoting your abilities, personality, adaptability or availability?
  9. Are you making it easy for leads to hire you?
  10. How often are you promoting your availability?

Social media questions for LinkedIn:

  1. What do you want to get out of the LinkedIn experience?
  2. Who are the leads you want to target via LinkedIn?
  3. Review your BIO. Do you make it clear to those targets what’s in it for them if they choose to work with you?
  4. Does your HEADLINE answer the client’s question: “what’s in it for me if I hire you?”
  5. Does your EXPERIENCE show a development of soft and hard skills from job to job, even if the roles aren’t related?
  6. Are you attracting peers or clients with your POSTS?
  7. Weekly question: What are you working on right now? Why would clients care?
  8. Weekly question: What is happening in your client’s industry right now? Why do you care?
  9. Have you checked out Karen Hollenbach’s work yet? 

Social media questions for YouTube:

  1. What kinds of viewers would you like to attract on YouTube?
  2. Does your current content do the job?
  3. Are you creating content specific to YouTube or simply sharing video you are creating elsewhere? Is it getting watched?
  4. Think of your YouTube channel as a TV series. Are your topics, ideas, characters (you and them) clear?
  5. What is one thing you want people to walk away knowing after watching your channel?
  6. What are the topics for your next three videos?
  7. Why would the audience care? What problem are you solving for them?
  8. Have you written a keyword rich CHANNEL ABOUT that has a strong opening line?
  9. Does your CHANNEL ABOUT expand on that opening line to explain what you do, why you do it, and the benefit for the audience when watching your content?
  10. Do you introduce yourself as the channel creator and explain why you cared enough to start a channel?
  11. Are your VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS keyword optimised?
  12. Do you start each VIDEO DESCRIPTION with a one-line summary of the content?
  13. Are your HEADERS and LOGOS clear and attractive?
  14. What action would you like a potential lead to take after watching a video?
  15. How easy is that to achieve?

Social media questions for Threads:

  1. Does your BIO reflect the more chilled out, conversational vibe of Threads?
  2. Who are the leads and allies you’d love to network with?
  3. What advocacy topics and industry issues would you like to discuss?
  4. Is Threads worth the effort for your business, personal development, or networking? Are you sure?

Social media questions for Substack:

  1. Are you using Substack to reach your clients, peers, or attract financial supporters?
  2. What sorts of topics would your audience like to read?
  3. Review your BIO. Have you told readers why they’d benefit from reading your stuff?
  4. Review your WELCOME messages. Are they helping sell your writing to the audience?
  5. Check out other Substack writers. What do you like and dislike about their approach?
  6. Have you followed peers from Australia (and the Freelance Jungle) to help build a local experience?
  7. Have you RECCOMENDED like-minded Substackers to help readers get a sense of where you fit?
  8. Are you using NOTES to support other creators, share your own content, and explore ideas?
  9. Are you writing for a Buying Cycle to help create episodic content for your readers to stay inspired?
  10. What action would you like a reader to take after reading a post?
  11. What would you like a reader to do as a result of reading you on Substack? Is that easy to achieve?

On other social media:

  1. Have you checked out Instagram alternative CARA yet?
  2. Have you logged into MASTDON to see if anything worth noting is happening?
  3. Have you joined the Freelance Jungle DISCORD and relived your 1990s and noughties forum days?
  4. If you are a journalist, into politics, or like strong opinions, have you read TRIBEL to see if it fills your Twitter-sized hole?

On any social media, when was the last time you:

  1. Made a bold statement that helped your clients?
  2. Advocated for your freelancing peers?
  3. Acknowledged that times are tough – and providing a call to arms or action-oriented solution to rise the tides of all business boats?
  4. Checked to make sure your content was accessible to people with disabilities?
  5. Felt good about your social media interactions?
  6. Created content that made you surprised, supported, or more connected to the community of that platform?
  7. Posted something that made you feel nervous but also excited?
  8. Have you investigated the platform’s scandals, ethics, and principles to ensure they align with your own?
  9. Checked the formula moves you use (e.g. “it’s been a while since I introduced myself” and other content) are still relevant, fresh, competitive, and appealing?
  10. Updated your social media strategy?
  11. Wrote actionable client advice they could apply even if they didn’t hire you?


Some social media benchmarking questions

  1. Is your content warm, friendly and free from jargon, legalese and geek speak?
  2. Is the content share-friendly (technical – social media, web share etc)?
  3. Is the content written in a consumer-friendly format?
  4. Is your content something that people would want to share it with their friends if their friend needed help?
  5. Do you make sure that even newbies understand what you do?
  6. Are you making it easy for your leads to self-research and trust you?
  7. Is the information fun, click and curiosity inducing, approachable, engaging?


Pull your head out questions for the tougher arm shots.

Caution: only read these if you can self-reflect without experiencing rejection sensitivity.    

  1. Are you prone to judging other people’s social media efforts? Is it stopping you from getting on with your own?
  2. Are you fabricating scenarios to add drama to your content to get attention? What can you do instead?
  3. Are you in a clique that makes fun of other social media creators? Ask yourself why five times. Do you still think it’s OK?
  4. Are you using neg marketing, manipulating, and/or shaming people into reacting on social media? Ask yourself why five times. Do you still think it’s OK?
  5. Do you have a negative reaction when people don’t pay attention to you on social media. Have you reflected on why that is?
  6. Are you thinking about what you want to say or following someone else’s playbook, hoping it will work?
  7. Is the guru you love on social media giving you love in return?
  8. Did you write that or is that ChatGPT’s opinion (and emoji selection)?
  9. Are you marketing your business – or marketing your industry?
  10. Are you sharing how you can add value to the client’s life and solving their problems? Or are you just shouting, “pick me, pick me?”
  11. Is your social media content boring? What would you like it to talk about instead?
  12. Are you using stock photos and gimmick memes to get attention that doesn’t last?
  13. Are you someone else’s jerk presence online? Why?
  14. Are your vents tactical, useful, solution-oriented and valuable? Or are they shaming, making fun, and a little bit Jerry Springer show?
  15. How big is the gap between online you and real you?
  16. Can your clients spot the difference between your posts and your competitors?
  17. How much of your social media is original, and how much are you nicking from other people’s marketing?
  18. Do you creep on people you don’t like on social media and then gossip about what they are doing? Ask yourself why five times. Do you still think it’s OK?
  19. If you’re sceptical about social media, where does it come from? Is it valid? If so, what do you need to change?

Need more help with your freelancer-specific social media? Come and hang out at the Freelance Jungle Facebook Group and ask your questions today!

The Freelance Jungle has a Facebook community, virtual catch-ups for stress reduction and networking, and a commitment to education via podcasts, blogs, and online learning.



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The Freelance Jungle
PO Box 68
NSW 2528