The secret rules of freelancing
Observing a few things that start emerging as the freelance time goes past. Freelance naivety is protective There’s a confidence that comes with naivety that you never quite possess after your knowledge grows. When you first start, your ambition will outstrip your...
Action replay: 2024 Deadline Party
A Deadline Party is a massive party to celebrate finishing a big project after six weeks of collaborating with other freelancers, motivating each other, and keeping things moving. Self-directed, everyone nominates what they want to do in the six-week period. To make...
How to take a risk in freelancing, creating, anything
Ahead of my appearance at the risk-taking lunch club for Rachel’s List with the awesome Monica Davidson from Creative Plus Business (insert fangrrl sounds here), I’m getting my nerd on and deconstructing my relationship to risk, how I get ready to take a risk, and how...
59 ways to like your TO DO list again
This content is for Patreon Pinkies only. Make sure you join to enjoy the full benefit! https://patreon.com/freelancejungleTo view this content, you must be a member of Freelance Jungle's Patreon at $3.5 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member?...
Anti-goals: defining what you don’t want from freelancing
This content is for Patreon Pinkies only. Make sure you join to enjoy the full benefit! https://patreon.com/freelancejungleTo view this content, you must be a member of Freelance Jungle's Patreon at $15 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member?...
44 questions to uncover your best business self
This content is for Patreon Pinkies only. Make sure you join to enjoy the full benefit! https://patreon.com/freelancejungleTo view this content, you must be a member of Freelance Jungle's Patreon at $8 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member?...
Excellent ways to critique someone else’s idea
Feeling the urge to critique someone else’s creativity or business idea? Here are some ways to do it that add value (instead of animosity): Create an alternative Improve on the idea’s limitations Identify the problem they were trying to solve – and solve it...