Here are twelve things you can do to give yourself freelance festive cheer.

  1. Can’t afford client Christmas presents? Resend your overdue invoices with bows where your logo should be for that extra (cheap) festive spirit.
  2. If you don’t have a workplace Christmas party to go to, rustle up as many stuffed animals as you can and put party hats on them all. Problem solved!
  3. Stick holly on your soup-for-one and eat it with your new party friends.
  4. Avoid end-of-year procrastination by playing Mariah Carey Christmas carols in your home office on repeat.
  5. Instead of Secret Santa, wrap up your office stapler after use, and rediscover the joy of stapler ownership every time you need it.
  6. Dress the office dog up as an egg and call it egg dog. Ignore its side eye and share your hilarious joke on social media.
  7. Attend every Zoom meeting in a snowman themed ugly knit and use the desire to pass out as an excuse to hang up early.
  8. Add novelty Christmas earrings to your Zoom calls for extra dangly festive joy. (just remember to take them off when you fix the shredder later)
  9. Curse your choice of festive music after triggering the office dogs repeatedly with jingling bells.
  10. Gain a special appreciation for Santa’s elves as you furiously toil away at your client’s latest request and the fast approaching deadlines.
  11. Forget the Christmas stocking stuffer! You too can stuff in last minute projects with glee in 30+ Celsius degree heat.
  12. Switch on your out of office with tinsel on your middle finger for extra festive goodbyes to 2024.

That’s a wrap, folks!

For fun holiday reading while we’re gone, check out the Freelance Jungle Substack and the Freelance Jungle blog. If you would like to support us in 2025, please join our Patreon, buy from our Redbubble shop, or loads of things to help you freelance better in 2025 from our Patreon shop. 

The Freelance Jungle team would like to thank you for another great year of fun, frivolity and support. We are taking a short break from December 19th to January 10th 2025.

The Freelance Jungle has a Facebook community, virtual catch-ups for stress reduction and networking, and a commitment to education via podcasts, blogs, and online learning.



Mailing Address:
The Freelance Jungle
PO Box 68
NSW 2528