What the heck is a Deadline Party?
Are you tired of listening to the sound of deadlines rushing past?
Five brave souls have decided enough is enough and put their creations on the line.
Yes folks, it’s the 2022 Summer edition of the DEADLINE PARTY!
A deadline party is aimed at keeping you accountable. We’re utilising the hairy eyeballs of your peers as well as turning it into a little online theatre at the same time.
Think of it as a celebration of all the cool, creative things we can do but often put off. But won’t put off because we’ve made a contract with ourselves to complete the project.
Each Deadliner commits to:
1) Sharing a creative, side hustle or freelance project or idea they want to complete
2) Self-directing the project and design what they can realistically build in a six week period
3) They make use of the eyeballs of fellow creators cheering them on and solving problems over a six week period, making a commitment to the project and others in the process.
4) They present their project in a virtual event in 5 – 10 mins / 5 -10 slide format (or video if that appeals) to a live audience – and celebrate!
Meet the 2022 Summer Deadliners
The projects you’ll see are:
- Martina is building her first grant writing online course. It’s called Grant Writing for Freelance Writers, and it’s full of details and instructional videos covering all things freelance grant writing.
- Annetta is stepping up her online training course, making her learning management system (LMS) platform more responsive, her content easier to access for students, and her own workflow simplified.
- Rebekah is shifting a monumental 50 hours of classes and events over to her website and re purposing the heck out of the content as she does it.
- Sarah is designing and building a new website for a floristry business that improves the user experience for both staff and customers, streamlines client communication, and embodies the delightful business branding.
- Grace is back to tame her creative writing. 3-ish deadline parties…same project list of languishing world-ready Kiwi fantasy novels. So, time for a bigger lifehack. Specific publishing achievements, great! Bespoke template for consistently fitting projects around the mess of life, even better!
Want to see how we transformed our dreamy to do list into action and practical steps?
This was absolutely fantastic Bek and all. So inspirational! Congrats and thank you for sharing. Great projects and people.