Lowering your prices isn’t the only answer to overcoming client quote objections. If you’re worried that all your clients think about is the price, ask yourself this question – am I giving them something else to think about?
Making the assumption that inflation = price sensitivity is smart.
Carrying it through to the only conclusion? Not so much.
You can try a few other tricks to secure work that don’t rely on price lowering.
- Increase the value equation. Add in something extra to get a job over the line.
- Offer tester projects to build trust. Write the page instead of the website, the mini strategy instead of the full plan, and smaller versions of the larger job
- Lower the scope of the project at hand. Take out some bells and whistles. Or set some standards on communication going forward to make the project management leaner
- Make the initial meetings count. Don’t just passively pitch what you do. Dig before you meet to diagnose the issues
- Invent packages off the racks. That way, you can control the workload with repeatable tasks and less customisation
- Offer a payment plan. And set it up so the client still doesn’t get the work until they’ve paid, but they can manage the payments easier over three or four invoices
- Offer a guarantee. If it’s physically possible for you to show the work will result in something measurable and tangible, this can allay spending fears
- Start the relationship with a workshop. Help them to understand what you can do for their business by sharing your knowledge
- Listen to them. Taking longer with a client can sometimes help them get over their fear of risk
- Treat everything as a teaching moment. Sometimes, it’s not the project a client fears but the fact that even if they do the work, they’ll still be reliant on you to get the basics done. Let them know the work you’ll do includes increasing their abilities to DIY, too
And get used to highlighting that you’re offering a good deal:
”I can’t discount on price, but how about 5% on every invoice paid before the due date?”
“I wouldn’t normally do this but..”
“I like working with you, so here’s what I’m going to do…”
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