Do you want to improve your motivation, chase off the feelings of self-doubt and self-criticism as they arise, and create rad things with an inbuilt cheer squad? Want to cross a big project off within the next 12 months but are struggling to stay the course by yourself?

The 2023 Freelance Jungle accountability pods 2.0 are for you.

At the Freelance Jungle, we want you to create success on your terms. That’s why we’re building in a range of activities and checkpoints to help you create, thrive and spur each other on with friendly action.

What we learned from Accountability Pods Version 1.0

The Accountability Pods that made a commitment to meet regularly and stayed in contact via email or social media not only made strong pods, they also created great friendships as well. But not all accountability pods enjoyed the same success. Life got in the way, and maybe a little more backbone and timetable from Ground Control (that’s Rebekah and Hayley) could have benefited.

Also, participation is a circular thing. The more you spend time with Ground Control, the more we’re about to offer support that suits you. Too loose a style, and we’re all adrift in a cosmic wash of wondering. This also included participants who desperately wanted to be a part of something but found their accountability pods disintegrated.

The new version of Accountability Pods includes the ability to keep working with Hayley and Rebekah should your pod fall over. And it’s about keeping us connected to the process, even if you disappear for a bit.

The new Accountability Pods 2.0 will have the following format:


  • A regular email check-in from Ground Control to check on Pods
  • Monthly tips and tools on the blog
  • A Monthly Q and A blog that results from the check-in and events so we can grow the library
  • Thematic content – this includes stuff like business development, outreach without feeling gross, marketing for introverts and more


Bi-monthly (every two months, alternating)

  • Informal chat with Bex and Haylz on a topic (Zoom)
  • Virtual coworking that is specific to the pods (Zoom)


  • Show and tell of project progress (Zoom)
  • Rotating each pod to receive an hour AMA ask me anything session one-on-one with Hayley and Bex (Zoom)


The Accountability Pods 2.0 have a transparent timetable

12 months a-podding themes

Topic Bi-monthly Quarterly
1.      Introduction event with a half hour how to pod tutorial


  Launch event
2.      How to clarify the idea


3.      Establishing a routine


Coworking AMA
4.      Managing expectations and external pressures


5.      Mindset work Coworking  
6.      Half year reset – submit your own topic Coworking Show and tell


7.      Money mindset work (and funding stuff) Informal  
8.      Making connections for creativity, bus dev, introductions, etc Coworking  
9.      Facing the ¾ fizzle mark   Informal combined with AMA
10.   Developing (and liking) your creative identity Coworking  
11.   All about you – submit your own topic Informal based on questions supplied  
12.   A year in review – where to next? Coworking to prepare for show n tell Show and tell



What are the benefits of accountability pods?


Accountability pods provide the opportunity to:

  1. Set Clear goals and objectives: You can share goals and objectives with others and add a gentle pressure to keep focussed
  2. End isolation with regular meetings: Set up regular meetings that work with accountability pod members, such as weekly or bi-weekly meetings. Consistency is key to ensure that everyone stays on track and committed.
  3. Add a little timetable to your progress: By bringing in show and tell vibes, AMA classes and encouraging active participation from all members, you have multiple chances to share progress, challenges, and solutions. This helps to keep everyone engaged and accountable to each other.
  4. Meet like-minded people: This is your opportunity to find freelancers who are building courses, raising the business roof, taking their marketing to the next level, or creating side projects easily.
  5. Promote discipline in your practice: Accountability pods make you establish clear rules and expectations for the group. It also fosters productivity through meeting deadlines and artificially manufacturing the same pressures that help finish our clients’ projects and direct them towards our own.
  6. Share tools and resources: Through collective wisdom and exploration of ideas, tips, tools, and new ways of doing things, we can empower each other to build on our terms.
  7. Celebrate successes: Celebrate the successes and achievements of each member, no matter how small. This helps to build a positive and supportive culture, inside and out. We make a commitment through our show and tells to see what’s unfolding as we create.

What kinds of projects can you use an Accountability Pod for?

This is about you nominating your project, so you can use an Accountability Pod anyway you want to.

Some ways an accountability pod can work with you include:

  • Taking your marketing to a new level of consistency and focus
  • Using it to launch courses, products and other new ideas for passive income
  • Devoting attention to creative projects such as writing or music
  • Reinventing or pivoting your freelance business to a new focus
  • Trying new business development techniques with a built-in cheer squad
  • Helping you manage loneliness, isolation, and Imposter Syndrome while working on clients.


How do you apply for Accountability Pods 2.0?


  1. Answer this 5-minute form on what you would love to do in the next 12 months
  2. Sign up to the special Patreon level for access ($12 USD a month or two months free if you buy the annual membership)


Already in Orbit?

  1. Fill in the form on what you would love to do in the next 12 months – and mention you’re already in a Pod that is keen to restart when you do OR that you’re keen to do it solo this time
  1. Sign up to the special Patreon level for access ($12 USD a month or two months free if you buy the annual membership)

And let’s get you into Accountability Pods 2.0

The Accountability Pods will launch MAY 18TH 2023.

The Freelance Jungle has a Facebook community, virtual catch-ups for stress reduction and networking, and a commitment to education via podcasts, blogs, and online learning.



Mailing Address:
The Freelance Jungle
PO Box 68
NSW 2528