We hear a lot about the challenges facing business, large and small. But what about Australian freelance rights?
Who knows better than us as to what the kinds of challenges we face? That’s why we’re committed to advocacy for Australian freelancers by Australian freelancers.
The two ways we’re currently looking into advocacy are through reaching out to politicians on your behalf and leveraging the media to have our concerns heard.
Professional freelancers have long been ignored under tax, fair work and minimum wage legislation. It’s time for us to put our big boy pants on and demand to be heard as a viable, sustainable industry, separate from small business and the “gig” economy.
Important Conversations
At the Freelance Jungle, we believe that working with local, state and federal government can help us receive the respect and recognition we deserve.
As such, we spend time reaching out to politicians to share our concerns. This includes but is not limited to using petitions, events, content and other activations to gain attention.
We also work with other industry bodies to ensure your rights at work and your safety during these unprecedented times of coronavirus and the associated economic downturn.
Let’s make some noise
Years of working with all kinds of Australian freelancers has taught us some home truths about our industry.
The search for Australian freelance rights and a clear map towards autonomy has shown us an awful lot of challenges.
The main one is we’re not seen as an industry. That’s what we need to change.
Coronavirus has highlighted the challenges of a lack of recognition, not enough customised legislation and the absence of support generally.
We’re using these times to raise our voices and be heard.
Want to get recognition for Australian freelancers?
You may be able to identify with some or all of the following statements
Try as you might, you cannot find your place in existing unions or advocacy groups charged with championing your cause
The stresses, physical health issues, life impacts and mental health issues brought about by your freelance business are rarely addressed in national or state strategies or as distinct by peak bodies charged to help you
You often attend events, read news articles and attempt to participate yet feel there are limitations on how well tailored they can be to your experience as a sole trader or person who freelancers that outsources to others.
The assumption is you freelance because you’re not suitable for other workplaces through a lack of skill, attitude or application – or all three.
Sometimes, you’re not sure who or where your industry actually looks like or what it stands for in the wider world in the eyes of others.
You reject the title of freelancer as you see the word as making you sound less professional
When you work with small business clients, they often talk about their challenges, their cashflow and their inability to respect your workflows without realising their impacts are passed on to your business too
You’ve noticed a lack of clarity surrounding issues that may influence how you do business through a lack of industry recognition and coalescence
We’re beginning the journey towards proper Australian freelance rights by creating industry recognition.
As part of this process, we are making a commitment to:
Reach out to local, state and federal government on your behalf
Investigate how we can activate peak bodies to better able define Australian freelancers and in turn, cater better to our needs in the long term
Encourage freelancers to take the title with pride, knowing it sends a positive message to the Australian business community
Address the common myths and misconceptions associated with freelance life.
Create an industry definition that is as distinct, professional and applied as you are
We need to recognise ourselves too
Press and political party enquiries should be addressed via our contact page: